Wednesday 26 August 2020


Quinns cybersmart learning

We are learning to not share stuff that should not be shared public and private 
I like learning about public and private because it's fun. I learnt that if you share your email people can use it to get into your account. That's why you shouldn't share your last name and email. 


Friday 21 August 2020

 Once upon a time there was a two headed monster who wore a big ripped up hat on his head and had ripped clothes from his big sharp spikes on his back. His shoes were so worn out his toes were poking out. 

One day he got chased by a big tsunami. The two headed monster was running and running and then he found a big, deep, scary, dark cave. He was scared to go in but he had to if he wanted to survive the tsunami. He was frightened because there was a loud noise, but he went into the cave. All of a sudden he fell 10 Feet down the cave. He landed on a soft mattress and he thought ´wow someone saved me.´ A strange creature took the two headed monster and shoved him in a cage. The cage had 2 other people in it.  They said their names. One was John he

said the creature will keep us and make us do 1 year of work. 

And the other man's name was Grumpy, he was grumpy because the creature had trapped everyone and he didn't like it.

Now the two headed monster knows what the creature is going to do to them, so he breaks everyone out of the cave and he protects them and gets them out safely. 

Thursday 20 August 2020

Maths blog

 What is the answer to my question?  Write your answer in the comments.

Quinn has 5 chocolate bars, each chocolate bar has 4 pieces. How many pieces are there altogether?