Friday 26 February 2021

Hotspot Reflection

W.A.L.T Reflect on our learning

My favourite part of the Hotspot was the word find because it was on paper and it fun to use highlighter and the Joespud acrostic poem because  we could make word that rhyme with Joe Spuds name 

JoeSpud Acrostic poem

W.A.L.T Describe a fictional  character 

Joe Spud is from the book Billionaire Boy. He is a billionaire boy he has 8 billion dollars.

Week Four Follow Up Task

W.A.L.T Explain the purposes of headings, diagrams, contents pages, table of contents, indexes, glossary, maps, and chapters.

This was my reading follow up task for week four. We were creating a diagram 


All About My Time At Camp

 W.A.L.T  Reflect on are time away 

This is what i did on week 4. Its all about my time at camp i had so much fun at camp my favourite thing was spotlight because we go to play for 30 minutes with are lights.

Friday 12 February 2021

Hot Spot Reflection

W.A.L.T Complete three challenges from my first hot spot  

Reflection i think i did good on my camp shield because i toke my time on it .

I think i did good on my camp challenges  and my one i made my self was to sketch a mountain.  

Next time i will finish the Arthurs pass find out where and 5 facts .

Have you ever completed a hot spot?