Thursday 27 May 2021

Save Animals

 W.A.L.T Identify prior knowledge.

Animals are really helpful for the world. With out animals we would not have had eggs and food.
  These are some ways to care for the environment and animals

Friday 21 May 2021

Haiku poem

 W.A.L.T Write a Haiku 

Yesterday we went out around are domain and look at some leaves for my Haiku. We saw a fantail. He was very friendly. When I threw the leaves in the air it was like confetti.

 Leaves falling like snow ❄
Bright scarlet leaves falling down 🍁
Crunching them brings joy 😁

Friday 14 May 2021

Refugee walk

 W.A.L.T Write a brief Recount 

On Monday 10th of May the senior syndicate went to the red zone.We acted that we were refugees we went to the red zone. We did games first we played a game about team work we had to lead are team mate to the end and if they touched a beanbag they were out. Then we went to get some rice we had the rice with are hands some of the rice was soggy and some was cooked. I dont think I would like to be a refugee after this. 

Thursday 13 May 2021

Limerick BART Simpson

 W.A.L.T Write a limerick 

In room 2 we are learning to write a limerick. A
 limerick is a 5 row poem. Rows 1 2 5 have to rhyme and 3 4 need to rhyme too but rhyme with a different word.

Title: BART!!! 

There once was a boy named Bart, 

Who did a fart and blew up Kmart, 

 He ran into a pole,

And then fell in a hole,

And that was the end of Bart!