Friday 5 November 2021

Plastic Pollution

W.A.L.T Write an explanation 

This is my explanation about plastic pollution 

 Plastic Pollution 

Did you know that Animals get strangled in waste and sometimes die?.  People say that more than 100 million Animals are killed every day by plastic. 

What's happening
Animals see wrappers and cans and think they are food and they eat them and get them stuck in themselves. Every second 200 pieces of plastic are made. Some supermarkets still have plastic bags. Others are taking them away from super markets. 

We can fix this by binding together and doing stuff like having beach clean up and having oceans cleaned and go to places where people have no bins or money and give them bins to throw their rubbish in instead of their rivers and oceans. 

In conclusion, plastic is not fine for the world or for animals so don't use plastic and let's make the world a better place.

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