Monday 6 December 2021


 W.A.L.T Understand the virtue of patient.

This my slideshow of what i think patients is hope you like it.

Friday 3 December 2021

My Hotspot

 W.A.L.T review the reading strategies we have learnt 

This is my hotspot that i have been working on for the past week.

hope you like it.

Face Mask

W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies we have learnt 

This is my face mask that i made. 
It has a lambo SV on my face mask.



 W.A.LT  make words out of letters 

These are my spelling words i had to unscramble 


Note boat not at Nate bait bar car let bet to no eat bat cat  bite lab into tab


W.A.L.T Write A Narrative 

We have been learning to write a good narrative with pictures 

This is my narrative 

All I knew was that I was in a forest ...

It was a sunny nice day in the forest but then it turned all dark. I got scared i said to my friends ¨ i dont know whats happening.'' Tom said ¨im scared to¨ so we went on scared we tried turning back but there were 3 ways. So we kept on going. We found a house in the middle of the road and we went in hesitating and scared.

 There was one bed in the middle of the room we decided to stay the night. There were creepy noises around the house we looked and  there was an old lady and old man outside of the house. They claimed it was theirs. We said well we were here first we shut the door. In the morning it was foggy and spooky. We went to get something to eat. There were berries that were purple. We ate them.

 Tom was not feeling well the next morning he died. Then Joe died 3 hours after Tom died. We didn't eat those berries again. The next day it started to clear up and it was sunny again. We walked out of the forest and there was the way out.  We ran and we got out of the forest but when i got out Steph wasn't with me.

Thursday 2 December 2021


W.A.L.T   Read a Monologue 

This is my monologue that i did for my advent.

A monologue is when one person reads and its there voice you hear.

Wednesday 1 December 2021


 W.A.L.T Understand advent 

This is my advent slides about what advent is here what i put. 

Thursday 25 November 2021


W.A.L.T Understand Gods Covenants 

 We have been learning about covenants and Gods agreements with humans Noah, Moses and Abraham.

Monday 22 November 2021


 W.A.L.T make a sculpture that is symmetrical. 

this is my symmetrical 



 W.A.L.T Understand the virtue of serving 

This is my comic strip that made today i did this for RE.

Screenshot 2021-11-22 10.13.22.png

Thursday 18 November 2021

Communion Of Saints

W.A.L.T Understand a saint  

This is my slideshow about saint Patrick 

Monday 8 November 2021

Communion Of Saints

 W.A.L.T Know who is of the communion of saints

We are learning to think about people who have passed and who are part of the patraint saints these are the three things.

Friday 5 November 2021

how to solve a maths problem

 This is my screencastify  about how to solve this problem 


W.A.L.T Reading term 4 

This is my slide show about pollution whats the problem and how we are solving it 

African Drumming

W.A.L.T Reflect on are experiences

 We had some fun listening to the Kadoo West African Drummers! 
The students got to drum with the drums and listen  to the lovley music

Plastic Pollution

W.A.L.T Write an explanation 

This is my explanation about plastic pollution 

 Plastic Pollution 

Did you know that Animals get strangled in waste and sometimes die?.  People say that more than 100 million Animals are killed every day by plastic. 

What's happening
Animals see wrappers and cans and think they are food and they eat them and get them stuck in themselves. Every second 200 pieces of plastic are made. Some supermarkets still have plastic bags. Others are taking them away from super markets. 

We can fix this by binding together and doing stuff like having beach clean up and having oceans cleaned and go to places where people have no bins or money and give them bins to throw their rubbish in instead of their rivers and oceans. 

In conclusion, plastic is not fine for the world or for animals so don't use plastic and let's make the world a better place.

Thursday 4 November 2021

Catholic Christmas Decorations

W.A.L.T Follow the design process 

This is my brainstorm that i have been working on for the last 2 days 

It is a brainstorm about catholic Christmas decorations this is what im going to make  

Tuesday 26 October 2021


 W.A.L.T Reflect on our experiences.

On Friday the 21st of October  room 2 went to the dump.

There were parents here are some names there were Shelley, Jackie, and Sarah.  

We got to water plants with water and worm pee.

Then there was ripping newspaper and watering it and putting it in the worm den. 

My favourite part was was when we sat in a circle.

i learnt that some stuff jams the machine at the dump.

heres a picture 

The Earth Feels Stuff To

W.A.L.T Think about problems and solutions 
Pope Benedict said if Earth can talk what would it say 
This is my RE about the earth this is what the earth could feel like if it could talk!

Friday 22 October 2021


W.A.L.T identify prior  knowledge.

This is what I know and what I think I know and what I want to learn KWL. 

Friday 17 September 2021

Traped On A Desert Island

 I woke up, this is not school? All I had was my backpack.

 Oh no I thought wheres the teacher? I looked around while i was looking around I found a musette.

 So I started cuting down trees the sound of the choping was a sword fight!

So I started to make a raft to see what was out in the sea.

I finally got the raft done so I set off to sea! 

A couple hours later I see something i finally found something I went up to it was land and i saw a speed boat someone was here! Im saved Desert Island Discs: the best interviews - Silversurfers

Friday 27 August 2021


W.A.l.T Reflect and pray

Me and my sister did prayers Today

About Zoos

 W.A.L.T reflect on our reading and relate to self

I made this slideshow about a Zoo it toke me an hour to make.

My favourite part was when i got to ask my own question.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

What I Have Been Doing At Home

 At home I have been playing out side kicking balls.

I have been playing video games.

I went for a walk at 1pm I went on my hover board and my sister went on her bike. 

I helped my mum tidy up the house.

communicating with Friends on the phone. 

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Emma Twigg Came To NBC

 W.A.L.T Reflect on exiting experiences.


We did the kapahaka to welcome Emma  then we sang cover me in sunshine and the national anthem to Emma she has two sisters that came with her after we got to see the gold medal and touch it. Emma's daily routine is 2 hours on the water, then 1 hour in the gym, and then she eats nutritional food.

My favourite part was when I got to touch and look at the gold medal.2FB8F2E7-2BFC-45F9-A32C-67F336BDAA0B_1_105_c.jpeg

Friday 6 August 2021

Emma Twigg Is The Leading Champion

 W.A.L.T Write a news paper article 

 Emma Twigg Is The Leading Champion 

 By Quinn H

Emma Twigg won the Gold medal for rowing at the Tokyo Olympics on Friday 2021 (2020).

‘For anyone who has had a little bit of failure… just keep at it’.

Emma topped the Olympic record her victory time was 7 minutes and 13.97 seconds. It was sleek and smooth and she was very strong.

Emma Twigg after two years off following Rio Olympics Emma had her next international appearance at the rowing world cup ll in 2019.

With a new coach it was straight back to the top for the New Zealand’s most decorated women's single sculler.

Emma Twigg began rowing in 2001 for Hawkes bay rowing club and napier girls high school. After two years in boating class,Emma switched to the single sculls and in 2005 won a gold at the world rowing junior championships and placed 4th at the world Rowing U23 championships in Amsterdam.

In conclusion she was strong with her rowing and couldn't be happier with her win.

Hawke's Bay's delight as Emma Twigg claims gold in single sculls rowing  final

Thursday 5 August 2021

Children Should Play Sports

 W.A.L.T make connections to texts 

I think children should play sports because its entertaining its fun for kids to play. 

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Red Hat

 W.A.L.T Make connections to texts 

This is my red hat about sports.

White Hat

 W.A.L.T make connections to texts.

This hat has facts from the Olympics 2020.    

Tuesday 3 August 2021

The Boy With Wings.

 W.A.L.T Reflect on our experiences

In Room 2 we were lucky enough to have people come and put on a show. The show was about a boy with wings. My favourite part was when he found a rat in jail with him.  How long did it take to make the set? 0FF8662A-6D4B-4B2A-A964-14F758443A34_1_105_c.jpeg

Friday 25 June 2021

Book Review

W.A.L.T Write a book review 

David Walliam's bizarre book 


´In short, Joe was one horribly spoiled Kid´

The Author of Billionaire Boy is David Walliams he has written Gangsta Granny and much more!

Joe spud is the richest 12 year old in history he is so rich he has the biggest mansion in 

the world. Miss spite is so mean that she is named after her personality. Bob is Joe's friend from school.Mr Spud is Joe's Dad, he is rather greedy.

Joe went to a posh school and his Dad didn't know that he was getting bullied so his dad signed an unknown contract for him to move schools. Joe's wealth is about to come with a price!

 I would rate billionaire boy 5 stars because the book is really cool. I think that people aged 6 to 30 years old should read this, because teenagers and little kids would like the book.

This book makes me wonder if there is going to be another book about a billionaire boy...

In conclusion I liked the book because it gives me giggles and it's really cool and it's a really exciting book to read! 

Billionaire Boy Audiobook | David Walliams |

In Room 2 we have been writing book reviews


Thursday 27 May 2021

Save Animals

 W.A.L.T Identify prior knowledge.

Animals are really helpful for the world. With out animals we would not have had eggs and food.
  These are some ways to care for the environment and animals

Friday 21 May 2021

Haiku poem

 W.A.L.T Write a Haiku 

Yesterday we went out around are domain and look at some leaves for my Haiku. We saw a fantail. He was very friendly. When I threw the leaves in the air it was like confetti.

 Leaves falling like snow ❄
Bright scarlet leaves falling down 🍁
Crunching them brings joy 😁

Friday 14 May 2021

Refugee walk

 W.A.L.T Write a brief Recount 

On Monday 10th of May the senior syndicate went to the red zone.We acted that we were refugees we went to the red zone. We did games first we played a game about team work we had to lead are team mate to the end and if they touched a beanbag they were out. Then we went to get some rice we had the rice with are hands some of the rice was soggy and some was cooked. I dont think I would like to be a refugee after this. 

Thursday 13 May 2021

Limerick BART Simpson

 W.A.L.T Write a limerick 

In room 2 we are learning to write a limerick. A
 limerick is a 5 row poem. Rows 1 2 5 have to rhyme and 3 4 need to rhyme too but rhyme with a different word.

Title: BART!!! 

There once was a boy named Bart, 

Who did a fart and blew up Kmart, 

 He ran into a pole,

And then fell in a hole,

And that was the end of Bart!

Thursday 15 April 2021

Thinking hats

 W.A.L.T use thinking skills 

The washing of the feet 

i made this blog with Angus w and Maitas R 

we spent a long time making it.

The white hat means where what when why 

Wednesday 31 March 2021


W.A.L.T Represent data in different graphs 
In Room 2 we have been studying statistics. Here are some of the different graphs that I have learnt  to make.I used a website to create these.  My favourite graph was the dot graph because It is fun to make. 


Wednesday 24 March 2021

Prayer Reflecton

 W.A.L.T Plan a prayer routine

In Room 2. We created prayer routines we were in groups of four. 

My group chose to pray for the animals my favourite part was sharing my prays to the class.

Thursday 18 March 2021


W.A.L.T   Form new words

This is my Spelling work for week seven. 

I made all these words out of these letters nafodieultein 


















Thursday 11 March 2021

The Venomous Snake

W.A.L.T Make connections with how different animals adopted to their environment 

For our inquiry we are learning to make a DLO of our own animals and their strength and weakness and attack ratings. I chose the Venomous Snake because its a animal that is really cool and i wanted to write about it.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Billionaire Boy Poster

W.A.L.T Use visual and language features to market a book 

 This is my billionaire poster.

Its about billionaire boy Joe spud he is the richest boy on the rich list.

Have you ever made a poster in real life from a book?

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Camp Thank You Letter

 W.A.L.T show our appreciation in a written letter. We are writing letters to say thank you for the helpers at camp.

Dear Sam,  

Thank you for helping me. My favourite camp moment was the walks because of the nature around us.

Without you I would not be able to cook pizza!

Thanks again Sam!

Yours Sincerely


Friday 26 February 2021

Hotspot Reflection

W.A.L.T Reflect on our learning

My favourite part of the Hotspot was the word find because it was on paper and it fun to use highlighter and the Joespud acrostic poem because  we could make word that rhyme with Joe Spuds name 

JoeSpud Acrostic poem

W.A.L.T Describe a fictional  character 

Joe Spud is from the book Billionaire Boy. He is a billionaire boy he has 8 billion dollars.

Week Four Follow Up Task

W.A.L.T Explain the purposes of headings, diagrams, contents pages, table of contents, indexes, glossary, maps, and chapters.

This was my reading follow up task for week four. We were creating a diagram 


All About My Time At Camp

 W.A.L.T  Reflect on are time away 

This is what i did on week 4. Its all about my time at camp i had so much fun at camp my favourite thing was spotlight because we go to play for 30 minutes with are lights.

Friday 12 February 2021

Hot Spot Reflection

W.A.L.T Complete three challenges from my first hot spot  

Reflection i think i did good on my camp shield because i toke my time on it .

I think i did good on my camp challenges  and my one i made my self was to sketch a mountain.  

Next time i will finish the Arthurs pass find out where and 5 facts .

Have you ever completed a hot spot?